Turtle Bay

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When Was the Last Time You Felt Alive?

When Was the Last Time You Felt Alive?

Turtle Bay is proud to display a unique, interactive art piece that was a collaborative effort between Callie Allen, The Makery and Redding Arts. This pop-up art exhibition provokes the viewer with a question we don’t ask ourselves enough—when was the last time you felt alive?

Viewers have the chance to write their answers on colored pieces of paper and drop them into a box. The answers are then posted onto the art piece itself by the next day. Each individual answer becomes a part of a collective story about life. As creator Callie Allen puts it, “It could be short things like ‘I feel alive today’ or it’s actual in-depth, detailed stories of moments of inspiration and times when people felt truly alive.”

This piece took three years to become a reality and now it’s here at Turtle Bay for you to enjoy. Use #lasttimeifeltalive when posting pics to social media to join the story online.

Located in the Museum east end.

You can also learn more at www.lasttimeifeltalive.com.