Gray Foxes

Order: Canivora; Family: Canidae; Species: Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Range: Throughout North America from Southern Canada to Central America and Northern South America. 
Habitat: All different types of habitat from deserts to forest, but prefers areas with lots of brush and trees. Spend a lot of time in the trees as they are arboreal. 
Diet: Omnivorous mostly eating small mammals like mice, rabbits and voles, also insects, berries, nuts, and other fruits and vegetables they find. 
Lifespan: 6-10 years in the wild; 15 years or more in captivity.


Artemis came to Turtle Bay when she was only 5 weeks old. Somebody stole her from the wild to keep as a pet, which is both illegal and never a good idea. Wildlife belongs in the wild. After 5 weeks in captivity Artemis became imprinted on humans and no longer fit to survive in the wild. She was not being fed the correct nutrients and was malnourished before coming to Turtle Bay. While Artemis lives a healthy life now, the effects of that malnourishment will remain with her the rest of her life.

2017 Honorary Adoptive Parents: Sandi Thompson


Generously supported by Adopt-an-Animal parents: Peter Cates

An imprint, she was taken from the den at only a few days old and raised the first three months in someone's living room with domestic cats and dogs. She was then given up to Fish and Wildlife in 2008 and her permanent home is now here at Turtle Bay, as she cannot be released. When Inali sees something new, she runs to it instead of away from it. When Inali's trainers enter her exhibit, she approaches making a whimpering noise and raises her back leg to "ask" for scratches. 

Unfortunately, in August of 2022, Inali started slowing down and some small tumors formed.We all loved her too much to let her suffer at all.  She has given so much to education, the trainers, and to our guests. To read the full tribute to Inali, click the button below

Fun Facts

    •    Most foxes spend the majority of their time on the ground, but the grey fox spends a lot of its time in trees and are very agile climbers. They use their long, curved claws to grip and their long tail to balance. 

    •    The grey fox will den in hollow logs, rocky crevices, and caves. These dens are only used during mating and rearing the young. 

    •    Gray foxes are known for mating with the same partner every year. 

    •    The gray fox was spared from the fur trade because of their coarse hair. Because of this, settlers introduced the red fox to North America. 

    •    They are not a cat! They may act like a cat, but they are in the same family as dogs. 

    •    Foxes have scent glands on their neck and mark their territory with those glands as well as with their urine. Inali often pees on her toys and food dish to say "that is mine".