Ornate Box Turtle

Range:  South-Central United States from South Dakota to the north, southeastern Arizona to the west, southwest Indiana to the east, and south to southern Texas.

Habitat: Dry prairies and oak savannas with deep sandy soils.

Diet: Ornate box turtles feed mainly on insects, including beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers, but they will also eat berries and carrion.

Lifespan:  30-40 years 


Origami has lived at facilities across the country. He no longer had a place to stay at his last home and Turtle Bay welcomed him here with open arms.

Fun Facts

  • Ornate box turtles live strictly on land. They live in dry prairies and oak savannas with deep sandy soils. The sandy soil allows them to burrow deep enough to avoid freezing in winter. They come out of winter hibernation in early to late April.

  • Ornate box turtles have a hinge on their lower shell (plaston). This allows them to completely pull their head, legs, and tail into their shell.

  • They have a flattened dome-like shell that is brown marked with radiating yellow marks that look like starbursts. Their lower shell is also brown marked with yellow.

  • Ornate box turtles eat live beetles, caterpillars, cicadas, and worms. They also eat dead animals, berries, and other fruits.